Check the following list of possible issues.
If any of the following conditions exist, redo transport services will fail to transmit redo data to the standby database:
If any of the following conditions exist, redo transport services will fail to transmit redo data to the standby database:
- The service name for the standby instance is not configured correctly in the tnsnames.ora file for the primary database.
- The Oracle Net service name specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter for the primary database is incorrect.
- The LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n parameter for the standby database is not set to the value ENABLE.
- The listener.ora file has not been configured correctly for the standby database.
- The listener is not started at the standby site.
- The standby instance is not started.
- You have added a standby archiving destination to the primary SPFILE or text initialization parameter file, but have not yet enabled the change.
- Redo transport authentication has not been configured properly. See section 3.1.2 for redo transport authentication configuration requirements.
- You used an invalid backup as the basis for the standby database (i.e. , you used a backup from the wrong database, or did not create the standby control file using the correct method).